Together. For Better.

Driving quality across all we do

We truly believe that ‘Quality’ has been a critical success factor in our growth journey over the past 54 years in the Kingdom of Bahrain. We have genuine gratitude for the business community, the marketplace and all our stakeholders for having placed their trust in us and have allowed us to engage with them as their trusted advisor. It has indeed been an honor, and for us as the leadership of the firm, this has been a matter of national pride.

However, we understand that this would in fact be impossible for us without the strategic investment in our people, who are indeed the backbone and neural network of our firm. This coupled with our investment in technology to facilitate our people in their day-to-day work contributes towards our aim to provide high-quality services for our clients and the community we live and operate within.

Given the rapid transformation within the marketplace over the past few years, we have confidence in our extraordinary people, their relentless compassion towards building a safe, responsible and inclusive workplace and marketplace; and our overall resilience as a community and a firm to ensure that we can indeed live by our Values and Code of Conduct, while providing services of the highest quality to our clients and stakeholders.

At a global level we have strengthened the consistency and robustness of our system of quality management to ensure that we are in compliance with the new International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 1. We believe that the consistent execution and adherence to these requirements and the intent of the professional standards behind them will help drive higher quality across our organization for clients, large and small, no matter where they do business.

As stakeholders demand more accountability on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related issues, we are proactively working with regulators and our clients to support the future requirement of disclosures across new metrics. Within the Kingdom of Bahrain, we have invested in a technical resident team to support our stakeholders within the national marketplace; at a global level, we’re investing more than 1.5 billion USD to make ESG the watermark running through KPMG. This has also helped in empowering our people, who can continue to tap into a diverse set of multidisciplinary skills and capabilities to support independent measurement, validation and quality assurance over ESG related information as the standards begin to evolve across the region.

Audit has been a fundamental part of our business, and with the growing focus on Audit Quality, we are proactively investing in technology-based methodology and workflow through the KPMG Clara platform to enhance our overall approach; deliver smarter; data-driven outcomes; and deeper insights. This when combined with the best of our people helps us in delivering high-quality audits consistently.

Similarly, we have been investing in the key areas, which have been critical for our clients and stakeholders in terms of their operations, growth strategy and overall transformation, i.e., this includes areas like Cyber Security, ESG, People & Change, Low-Code/ No-Code, RegTech, Re-structuring, etc. We are committed to continue our investments and our efforts to work hard to provide you with quality and earn your trust, while also being able to make a positive impact on the marketplace and communities we live and operate within.

Thank you once again for putting your trust in KPMG in Bahrain.